We have been working in class in this amazing subject: Digital Citizenship.
How to be a great citizen of this worderful digital world.
We made posters and joined them in a Jamboard.
Look what a nice work!!
Espacio virtual para compartir actividades, proyectos y experiencias realizadas en el IT Lab. Este blog acompaña a los alumnos en toda su trayectoria educativa del nivel inicial y primario del colegio Villa Devoto School desde 2015.
We have been working in class in this amazing subject: Digital Citizenship.
How to be a great citizen of this worderful digital world.
We made posters and joined them in a Jamboard.
Look what a nice work!!
Produjimos unos hermosos videos, sobre los libros de cuento de terror que habíamos estado leyendo en Lengua.
Utilizamos la herramienta Canva para tal fin.
¡Bien hecho, chicos!